

Monday 20 July 2015

Coming home.

(So I was supposed to post this last week when I came back from Sydney, but, reasons.)

Landing in Singapore after a trip is probably the only time I ever have good feelings about the humidity, because it's the first thing that hits me once I step out of the plane and I kinda associate it with the warm fuzzy feeling of coming home.

Of course, these nice feelings usually get floored the next day when I get sweaty within 10 minutes of stepping out of the shower, if I forget to turn the aircon on.

Sigh, feelings. Aren't they just so confusing.

P.S. In Primary School I used to mix "Humility" and "Humidity" up and I always wondered whether water vapour in the air had special benevolent characteristics or something.

P.P.S. Also in unrelated news, today was my first day of work and I had a great time. It was the best first day of work ever, not that I have many first days of work to compare with but yay thankfulness.

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